Compas de relèvement bateau
The bearing compass is a mobile magnetic compass, mainly used in recreational boating. It has an aiming point allowing you to measure the angle of a landmark (identifiable fixed visual landmark) in relation to magnetic north. The and offer great precision at sea, while remaining easy to handle. Thus, by carrying out several measurements on different landmarks, you will be able to determine the position of your boat by plotting the measurements on the map. Practical, the bearing compass also allows you to determine if you are on a collision course with another vessel. You will thus be able to anticipate any risk of collision with another boat and consider a change of course. For lovers of high quality products, the Silva brand offers at excellent value for money.
Find online our range of bearing compasses selected by our experts and available in stock for delivery as soon as possible. Benefit from our advice by telephone to find the navigation compass best suited to your boat.