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When is a lifejacket valid ?

Experts and professionals in the nautical market set the durability of a lifejacket at 10 years. To check the validity date of your lifejacket, you'll need to check the date it was first used. The other factor determining the validity of your lifejacket is the expiration date of the triggering system, if it's an inflatable automatic lifejacket. Knowing the expiry date of your personal flotation device (PFD) will ensure your safety at sea, and increase your chances of survival in the event of an accident.

Inflatable lifejacket validity: what you need to know

It's a question we're regularly asked by our customers. The validity date of a lifejacket is determined by the date of first use. There is no obligation to replace your lifejacket after a certain date. In fact, there is currently no legislative requirement or ISO standard for lifejacket revision.

However, all professionals and sailors agree that a lifejacket should be serviced at least every two years to avoid disappointment at sea. Complete replacement of the lifejacket is recommended 10 years after first use. A fairly long lifespan, provided you maintain it regularly.

Wear can occur in the textile envelope, foam, gas cartridge, trigger pad and other accessories. That's why regular visual inspection of your self-inflating flotation jacket is essential. What's more, service centers all over France offer sophisticated maintenance programs to ensure that your vest provides optimum protection. The price of this service is very affordable, even for sailing and windsurfing enthusiasts. The buoyancy of automatic inflatable jackets will be tested under extreme conditions, and you will receive additional advice from our expert teams.

What causes wear and tear on a lifejacket ?

Wear often comes from the trigger pad or gas cylinder, which are getting old. Vest materials such as textiles or foam compartments can wear out after many uses, often due to salt damage caused by splashing water.

If only one accessory, such as the safety harness, is worn, there's no need to change the vest. The purchase of a new accessory will suffice to replace it.

Trigger system service life

A CO2 cartridge in the triggering system of a self-inflating flotation jacket has an expiration date. Time alters the performance of gas cartridges, so it's best to change them in good time, even if they've never been used.

Carry a refill kit for each model of self-inflating flotation jacket on board. This will enable you to reset the vests in the event of an anomaly or product obsolescence. Consult the user manual supplied by the vest manufacturer before handling.

Date validité gilets de sauvetage

Which type of lifejacket has the longest validity date ?

Foam vests are the most durable products, as they have no materials that wear out over time, apart from wear and tear on the textile envelope during intensive use. The most sophisticated self-inflating flotation jackets are also highly durable, as they are made from robust materials of superior quality to any other type of vest. A professional vest is bound to last longer than a standard one.