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Why buy a lifejacket ?

Wearing a lifejacket is compulsory at sea, whether automatic or foam. That's why buying a lifejacket is essential before embarking. The decree of February 10, 2016 requires you to wear a lifejacket of at least 50 newtons up to 2 nautical miles from a shelter. A lifejacket can save your life, so it's imperative to acquire one before setting sail.

Wearing a lifejacket: what the law says

If you're still wondering about the benefits of wearing a lifejacket at sea or in enclosed waters, just remember that if worn, your lifejacket can save your life. Remember also that the life expectancy of a conscious person after a fall into the sea is only one hour in water between 10 and 16 degrees Celcius. And according to SNSM figures, 8 out of 10 drowning victims could have been saved if they had been wearing a lifejacket.

Buying a lifejacket before embarking and wearing it once at sea is the only way to guarantee your safety at sea.

Which vest should I buy depending on my distance from the coast?

The choice of safety equipment depends on how far you are from the coast. Indeed, your lifejacket will not be the same for a paddle outing as for an offshore race.

See below for the corresponding regulations:

  • If you're sailing within 2 miles of a shelter, you'll need to wear an inflatable lifejacket or buoyancy aid (such as a safety armband) of at least 50 Newtons. The category of lifejacket increases with distance from the coast.


  • For navigation between 2 and 6 nautical miles, the law requires lifejackets with buoyancy of at least 100 newtons, in foam or inflatable with an automatic release system.


  • Beyond 6 nautical miles from a shelter, you'll need to embark with suitable safety equipment and a semi-high-beam outfit, failing which you'll be liable to penalties. A buoyancy of 150N is mandatory. This version is recommended for swimmers and non-swimmers alike, and guarantees the rollover of an unconscious person. The most popular models are the Pilot 165 Plastimo lifejacket and the Deckvest 6D Spinlock lifejacket.


  • Last but not least, a 275 newton vest, such as the Deckvest Solas 275 Spinlock, is recommended for use on the high seas, in extreme conditions, or for professionals carrying heavy or bulky equipment. Thanks to its double-chamber design, it too can turn an unconscious person over onto his or her back, even when wearing heavy clothing or equipment.

All for one, one lifejacket for all: buy a lifejacket on Nautisports

When sailing, safety is paramount, and everyone in the boat must be equipped with a lifejacket, in addition to knowing the location of lifejackets on board. Whether you're a champion swimmer, a seasoned sailor, a child, or even your most loyal companion, everyone is required to wear a lifejacket at sea.

That's why you'll find different models and types of lifejacket on the market, with weights, sizes, standards and buoyancy in newtons varying from one product to another. Any type of lifejacket will suit your different activities and morphology. All you need to do is choose the right vest for your activity and comfort level. To find out more, take a look at our advice page on choosing the right lifejacket.


Ryan and Sophie, a couple of amateur sailors from the YouTube channel "Ryan & Sophie Sailing", explain why they have chosen to wear their lifejackets at all times.

Dog lifejackets: why you should equip your pet too

As we've already mentioned, the question of lifejackets for dogs also arises if your pet is boarding with you. A standard inflatable vest with a water-soluble pellet ensures that an unconscious person can be turned over. Even if the mode of operation is different, all dogs on board must be equipped with a dog lifejacket.

A dog lifejacket, or dog flotation jacket, enables the dog to stay afloat on the surface of the water. A dog lifejacket prevents your faithful companion from drowning. This kind of product, while it may be fun to smile about, is not to be taken lightly. As always, the safety of all on board is paramount.

Accessories, prices and models

For those with smaller budgets, the price of a lifejacket shouldn't hold you back from buying your equipment. Your safety on board and survival at sea depend on it. In essence, the primary function of a lifejacket is to save your life. This is the primary function of all available products, so there's no need to choose between the best lifejackets on the market. Depending on model and features, lifejacket prices can vary by as much as double.

From foam lifejackets to inflatable lifejackets, you'll need to buy a lifejacket, and the associated lifejacket accessories, with a suitable newton buoyancy. If you're a closed-water dinghy sailor, there's no need to splash out on a state-of-the-art automatic inflatable lifejacket with reflective tape, webbing, harness or other superfluous lifejacket accessories. Always base your choice on your favorite water sport!