Charts SHOM Atlantic Mediterranean - Spain - Portugal - Gibraltar
The SHOM Atlantic Mediterranean - Spain - Portugal - Gibraltar charts are maps of the Atlantic - Mediterranean area covering the following countries: Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar. It includes all the coasts and the classic details of a SHOM chart.
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The SHOM Atlantic Mediterranean - Spain - Portugal - Gibraltar charts are maps of the Atlantic - Mediterranean area covering the following countries: Spain, Portugal and Gibraltar. It includes all the coasts and the classic details of a SHOM chart.
A SHOM chart is made of paper and latex to give it a high resistance to water while keeping a certain ease of writing. These charts are folded and updated.
Details of areas and scales at the bottom of the page.
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Technical specifications
- Dimensions:
- Folded: A4 (21 x 29.7 cm)
- Unfolded : A0 (84,1 x 118,9 cm)
- Available areas:
- 6665 L - Rias de Ferrol, Ares, Betanzos and A Coruna - Scale : 1 : 24993
- 7042 L - Strait of Gibraltar - Scale : 1 : 100000
- 7212 L - From Cabo Finisterre to Casablanca (Dâr el Beïda) - Scale: 1 : 1000000
- 7595 L - Ria de Vigo - Scale: 1 : 25000
- 7596 L - From Peninsula del Grove to Cabo Silleiro - Scale: 1 : 60000
- 7597 L - From the Sisargas Islands to the mouth of the Rio Mino - Scale: 1 : 200000
- 7598 L - From Puerto de San Ciprian to Cabo Finisterre - Scale : 1 : 200000
- 7599 L - From Cabo de San Lorenzo to Cabo Ortegal - Scale: 1 : 175000
- 7654 L - From Isla Canela to Cabo Trafalgar - Scale : 1 : 175000
- 7656 L - From Santona to Gijon - Scale : 1 : 175000
- 7658 L - Strait of Gibraltar - Alboran Sea - Scale : 1 : 350000
- 7661 L - From Cabo de la Nao to Barcelona and Islas Baleares - Scale : 1 : 425000
- 7670 L - From Cabo de Palos to Cabo de la Nao - Scale : 1 : 175000
- 7671 L - From Cabo de Gata to Cabo de Palos - Scale : 1 : 175000
- 7672 L - From Cabo Sacratif to Cabo de Gata - Scale : 1 : 175000
- 7752 L - From Cabo Silleiro to Cabo Carvoiero - Scale : 1 : 350000
- 7753 L - From Cabo Carvoiero to Cabo de Sao Vicente - Scale : 1 : 350000
- 7754 L - From Cabo de Sao Vicente to the Strait of Gibraltar - Scale: 1 : 375000
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