NV Atlas France - FR2 - Cherbourg to St Malo

The NV Atlas France - FR2 - Cherbourg à St Malo charts are marine charts covering the areas of the Anglo-Norman islands, from Cherbourg to Saint Malo.
These maps will guide you through these islands, where turbulence can be the order of the day. You'll be guided to historic sites like Mont Saint-Michel and typical towns along the coast.
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NV Atlas France - FR2 - Cherbourg à St Malo charts are marine charts covering the areas of the Channel Islands, from Cherbourg to Saint Malo.
These maps will guide you through these islands, where turbulence can be the order of the day. You'll be guided to historic sites like Mont Saint-Michel and typical towns along the coast.
In this handy atlas, you'll find 4 general maps and 13 coastal maps showing access points, ports and anchorages, plus 13 important details.
Navigation advice is given in French and English, and a tide table is included.
In addition to this paper Atlas, NV Charts offers youaccess to its charts in digital format, and the possibility ofsetting up your own navigation program to guide you through your journey. Port maps are also available in digital format.
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Technical specifications
- Format :
- Open: A2
- Closed: A3
- Cards :
- General maps :
- C1 France - Atlantic 1:1,750,000
- C2 Normandy - West 1: 350.000
- 13 Coastal maps
- C3 Cap Fréhél to Jersey 1: 150.000
- C4 Channel Islands - West 1: 150.000
- C5 Channel Islands - East 1: 150.000
- C6 St. Cast à la Pte. du Meinga - St. Malo 1: 45.000
- C7 Mont St. Michel Bay 1: 60.000
- C8 Granville à la Pte. d'Agon 1: 60.000
- C9 Plateau des Minquiers 1: 60.000
- C10 Pte. d'Agon to Bancs Félés 1: 60.000
- C11 Jersey 1: 60,000
- C12 Bancs Félés to Cap de Flamanville 1: 60,000
- C13 Guernsey & Sark 1: 60.000
- C14 Cap de Flamanville to Cap de la Hague 1: 60.000
- C15A Alderney 1: 60.000
- 13 Details :
- C15B Alderney - Braye Bay 1: 15.000
- C16 St. Malo 1: 20.000
- C17A/B La Rance 1: 20.000
- C18 Chausey Islands 1: 25.000
- C19A Cancale 1: 20.000
- C19B Granvile 1: 15.000
- C19C Diélette 1: 10.000
- C20 Jersey - Grouville Bay 1: 20.000
- C21 Jersey - St. Helier 1: 20.000
- C22 Guernsey - Little Russel 1: 25.000
- C23 Cap de la Hague 1: 15.000
- General maps :
- Application code (valid for 365 days from activation)
- Digital maps & Navigation program
- Navigation tips: English and French
- Tide tables
- Paper + digital port maps
- Responds to legal requests for up-to-date paper charts on board