Vagnon practical sailing sheets

Vagnon's practical sailing fact sheets will help you take the plunge and venture out to sea, breaking down all preconceived ideas about a world that is accessible despite its particular vocabulary.
In these practical sheets, you'll learn all the rudiments of navigation, techniques, trimming, maintenance, knowledge of the marine environment, safety and more.
Every essential concept is covered in detail, including maneuvers, basic equipment, weather, regulations and the maritime code, as well as guides for buying or chartering a sailboat.
Need an advice ?
Vagnon's practical sailing fact sheets will help you take the plunge and venture out to sea, breaking down all preconceived ideas about a world that is accessible despite its particular vocabulary.
In these practical sheets, you'll learn all the rudiments of navigation, techniques, trimming, maintenance, knowledge of the marine environment, safety and more.
Every essential concept is covered, including maneuvers, basic equipment, weather, regulations and the maritime code, as well as guides forbuying or renting a sailboat.
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Technical specifications
- Authors :
- Emmanuel Van Deth
- Thierry Fuzellier
- 144 pages
- 19 x 26 cm