GPS Marin Portable
Your geolocation at your fingertips thanks to Portable GPS
Garmin products are Garmin are on average 15 centimeters high, so they are as practical as they are efficient. The Humminbird brand is more of an expert in sounders and echo sounders for fishermen than in Portable GPS. The offered by the brand are still light and easily transportable, to the extent that they have not been fixed or recessed in the cockpit of the boat. Consequently, this type of Fixed GPS can be transformed into a Portable GPS using the Humminbird conversion kit. small. They are designed to fit in your hand and pocket. Most
A Portable VHF as a Portable GPS?
The has a GPS system in its menu to be able to geolocate. It works like an equivalent and allows you to avoid increasing the cost of your hardware by purchasing 2 in 1. Its integrated GPS allows you to create navigation routes and create waypoints. The waterproofness of this GPS is very important, since it meets the requirements of the IPX8 waterproof standards. The price of the VHF GPS HX890 is quite high, but it allows you to benefit from all the equipment required for any navigation up to 60 Nautical Miles from the coast. small;">One of the most efficient Marine Electronics accessories on the market to guarantee your safety thanks to GPS satellites is the . This revolutionary bracelet is very renowned in the marine rescue community. It allows the position of a sailor or sportsman who has fallen into the water to be transmitted to the National Society of Sea Rescuers (SNSM) in the form of a geolocated alert. This type of message is possible because the bracelet contains a multi-operator SIM.